Jean Baudrillard-Baner

作為當代最重要的思想家之一及後現代性的理論家─尚‧布希亞(Jean Baudrillard, 1929-2007),也是位攝影家。尚‧布希亞論《模擬與擬似物》、《消費社會》及《象徵交換》的理論早為人熟知。但他自己也拍攝照片,這一點較少為人知曉,然而他其實自1980年代起即已在世界各地展出攝影作品。其展覽包括法國阿爾城的年度國際攝影節、德國卡斯魯爾媒體藝術中心、法國巴黎歐洲攝影之家、瑞典奧斯陸大學、澳洲布里斯班現代藝術中心、首爾大林美術館等重要國際機構中的個展。





透過國立臺北教育大學藝設系林志明主任與尚‧布希亞夫人瑪琳間建立的友誼(林教授亦是布希亞的第一本中文譯著翻譯者,並擔任本展覽的策展人),獲得此一難得機會,邀得尚‧布希亞的攝影作品來台展出。本展覽並將發揮布希亞對科技發展進行反思的先行者面向,特地邀請台大網媒所洪一平教授帶領的imLab,與林志明主任的雲端策展實驗室合作,嘗試結合擴增實境等展示技術,將成為台灣第一個使用Google glass等穿戴式裝置的互動作品「AR自拍像」,用穿戴式設備與藍芽定位技術,再現作品中的布希亞。另一件新媒體作品「鏡中的他者」則是邀請互動藝術創作者羅禾淋與錄像藝術家陳依純共同合作,運用鏡子與布希亞致敬。



此次展覽亦將以影片段落方式展出布希亞生前的思想要旨錄影:《通關密語》(Mots de passe)。



展覽開幕:2014/06/06 15:00



協同策展人:Marine Baudrillard


Jean Baudrillard – Photography and Passwords


Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007), a theorist of post-modernity and one of the most important nowadays philosophers, is also a photographer. Baudrillard’s theories on Simulacra and SimulationConsumer Society, and Symbolic Exchange have been known for a very long time. But, and that is less known, his photos were exhibited all around the world since the 80’s. In prestigious venues such as the International Festival of Photography – Arles, (France), the Center for Art and Media – Karlsruhe (Germany), the Maison Européenne de la Photographie – Paris, the University of Oslo (Sweden), the Gallery of Modern Art -Brisbane (Australia), the Daelim Museum – Seoul (Korea) etc. and more recently at Lianzhou Festival and Cafa Art Museum – Beijing (PRC).


Although – or because -the photographic act was the extension of his thought, Baudrillard insisted to consider himself as an “amateur”.

The greatest feature of his works was to let the picture speak for itself without referring to any other reality. Baudrillard’s philosophical style inspired the theory of contemporary photography. To Baudrillard, photography could be part of radical thoughts, philosophy, anthropology, etc. Baudrillard’s images demonstrate his keen philosophical vision, full of Zen meditation from the East as well as the critical-thinking from the West.


Through the friendship between Marine Baudrillard, his wife, and Director Lin, Chi- ming from the Department of Arts and Design of the National Taipei University of Education (the translator of Baudrillard’s first book in Chinese and also the curator of this exhibition),we have such rare privilege to have Jean Baudrillard’s photographs in Taiwan for exhibition. This exhibition develops also Baudrillard’s pioneer aspect of the reflection on technology. Through the combination of augmented reality, this exhibition shall be the first exhibition to use wearable devices such as Google Glass in Taiwan.



This exhibition will also present fragments of the documentary film on Baudrillard’s thoughts: Mots de passe.



Opening:2014/06/06 15:00

Venue:Hong-gah Museum(11F, No. 166, Da-ye Road, Taipei 112)

Curator:LIN, Chi-Ming


Collaborating  Curator:Marine Baudrillard



指導單位: 文化部、台北市文化局
主辦單位: 財團法人邱再興文教基金會  

執行單位 : 鳳甲美術館

協辦單位 : 國立台北教育大學 藝術與造形設計學系 雲端策展實驗室 (Lab of Cloud Curation, Department of Arts and Design, NTUE)、國立台灣大學 資訊網路與多媒體研究所 (Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, NTU)、 MoNTUE北師美術館 (Museum of National Taipei University of Education)、布希亞之友協會 (Association des amis de Jean Baudrillard)

特別感謝 :布西亞法國在臺協會 


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